Pre-Marriage Course

The virtual Pre-Marriage Course

Starts Thursday, 25th March 2021 7:30pm for five weeks via Zoom

The pre - marriage course is a series of five sessions, designed for couples considering marriage, whether engaged or not, and wishing to build a strong and lasting relationship. While based on Christian principles, it is relevant and helpful for any couple with or without a Christian faith or church background.

Relationships are precious. And at this time of isolation, homes, families and relationships may be stretched and strained.  So treat yourselves to some 'US' moments, by choosing to join our online course.  There is no cost at all.  Simply complete the registration form below to schedule your own private course! 

Although we use ZOOM to host and stream the course, you can be assured that your conversations together are totally private, and strictly offline, in the privacy of your own home!  There is no group discussion whatsoever!

Please email the administrator, Peter Drysdale, for more details or complete the short form below to book your place on the course!


We make every effort to handle personal data in a responsible manner.

Click here for more information.


All Saints' Church

Western Road, Branksome Park

Poole BH13 7BP



(01202) 701822